Year One

Posted on August 14, 2017 3:11 am

It’s official! We have successfully gone from garlic seed purchased to garlic seed sold.

What a year it has been, and we could not be more excited for what is to come. Buck Moon Garlic became the real deal in 2016 when we planted our first crop of garlic. Now, a little less than a year later, we have officially delivered our first orders of both eating and seed garlic to the great people who have supported our new venture. It hasn’t been a slow year by any means. Among the excitement of getting Buck Moon Garlic up and running, we also welcomed our son, Rhett, into the world. We learned quickly the comparison between a new baby and a new garlic farm. While a baby needs milk, changing, and love, so too, does garlic need water, weeding, and love! We are excited to have finally launched our website to give you the best information possible regarding Buck Moon Garlic and to keep you updated on all that will continue to go on around the farm.

We are very excited to offer our five varieties of garlic to you, the people who make all of the time and energy worth it. We still have some eating garlic (less than 2”) available, and you can order it by the pound simply by emailing us at [email protected]. Whether it is our sampler, BMG Lover, Addict, or simply a pound of Georgian Fire, we truly look forward to providing you with the best garlic!